Foundation Education

15 Mar 2023

Seven reasons why you’ll love a career in Health Services

Health Services

There are so many reasons why people choose to pursue a career in healthcare. Some have a passion for helping others, others love working with their hands.

Here are just a few reasons why you could thrive with a career in Health Services:

1. Rewarding work 

A career in healthcare is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your community and make a real difference in the lives of others. The care you offer doesn’t just help patients, it also filters through to their families and the wider community. Seeing the positive impact of your work is truly one of the most rewarding parts of working in healthcare.  

2. Flexible hours 

Whether you’ve got family obligations, or you’re ready to dedicate some solid hours towards your career, healthcare is one industry that’ll grant you the flexibility you need in your life. You can work in all kinds of facilities including hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, schools or even prisons. That means there’s a variety of shift times to choose from – daytime, evening or overnight, and there are plenty of roles that’ll give you the option to work full or part time.  

Healthcare workers

3. Innovation  

Being part of something exciting that’s larger than themselves is one of the biggest reasons why healthcare professionals get into the industry. It’s a field where new ideas are always being developed and introduced. Being a part of that in some small way can be extremely exciting, because it puts you at the edge of an important change to patients’ wellbeing and care. Whether you’re helping to implement a new technology or medical imaging technique, you’ll be in the ranks of one of society’s most important fields. 

4. Continued education and growth 

Next to constant innovation, comes the requirement to keep up with it. For many, this is a hugely desired part of the role, as you’ll never find yourself stagnating. With each leap and bound in technology, processes and care, your knowledge will expand. As it’s such a competitive field, you’ll also be naturally pushed to grow and advance in your career as far as you want to take it, standing out tall amongst your peers.  

5. Upwards mobility 

When it comes to how far you can go in the field, the sky’s the limit! If you’re ready to throw yourself into learning and improving, you can reach wherever you want to go. You may need extra education and training depending on the role you’re going for, but once you’ve got your foot in the door, it’s just a matter of willpower! 

Allied Health Assistant

6. Fast-paced and dynamic 

Ever felt stuck in an idle job that made you watch the clock all day? Not in this industry! The working lives of healthcare professionals run at a stimulating and dynamic tempo. New situations can unfold in unpredictable ways, which keeps the job super exciting. You’ll be helping patients with all types of illnesses and injuries every day, and from time to time, you’ll need to adapt with some creative thinking. In healthcare, you can look forward to a career where boredom is left at the door. 

7. Amazing job security 

According to the Australian Government’s ‘Labour Market Insights’, the healthcare assistance sector is expected to grow by 15.8% between 2021 and 2026, which means around 301,000 new healthcare assistants will be needed. There’s no doubt that healthcare is one industry that won’t disappear, so you can expect loads of opportunities and the ability to plan your future in this career. 

Does it sound like you? If you think a career in Health Services could be what you’re made for call one of our friendly Careers Advisors today at 1300 616 197 to discuss your future in the healthcare industry.


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