Foundation Education

12 Mar 2021

The Best Industries for Project Management Professionals

Business and Management

The role that project managers play in every organisation cannot be underestimated - these are the people responsible for planning entire projects and guiding them through to completion. Project managers’ skills are highly transferable, which is why they enjoy strong employment prospects across a wide range of industries. And with the global shift to remote work, project management has become an excellent career choice for those who value flexibility.  

Here, we’ll walk you through the pathways to becoming a project manager and which industries are offering the best opportunities. 

Information Technology

Project management professionals handling data

As a result of the shift to remote work, the IT industry has seen an influx of demand for the technology that makes working from home possible. This technology needs constant maintenance, updating and troubleshooting, which means the industry is absolutely booming. The industry almost can’t keep up with the number of projects, so project managers are crucial to keeping everything moving at an even pace. 

Construction and Engineering

Project manager working at a construction site

As populations continue to expand, we need a steady supply of housing and infrastructure upgrades to support them. Project managers in construction and engineering ensure blueprints come to life safely and on time. They keep an eye on the efficient movement of materials, the performance of workers on site, and follow up on any missed deadlines. Whether it’s a new highway or an architectural wonder, you’ll find a project manager at the core of every construction project. 


Healthcare worker and current trends

As an industry that relies heavily on state-of-the-art technology and processes, the healthcare industry will see you working across many different areas, from innovating outdated processes in a hospital to advancing a clinic’s telehealth capabilities. As the lifeblood of a functioning society, this industry is a safe bet for stable employment. 

Finance and Insurance

stack of items signifying finance and insurance

Effective management is key to helping finance and insurance companies to improve productivity and navigate crises. Projects like these can completely transform businesses and give visible, numerical results, making them highly rewarding to lead.  

Professional Services

Professionals agreeing on a potential business deal

Covering law, marketing, and anything in between, professional service industries need project managers to make sure budget, timing and resources are allocated appropriately. This helps to maximise the efficiency and performance of the project. Professional services are also under a mountain of pressure to stay up to date with the latest technology, cultural shifts, and processes, resulting in the need to overhaul aspects of a company such as brand identity and internal procedures.  

How to Become a Project Manager

Our BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management will equip you with all the skills you need to start a thriving career in project management, with opportunities available across a diverse range of industries. 

Project managers are responsible for a huge range of tasks, including:

  • Project scope, time, costs and quality

  • Human resources

  • Consulting stakeholders

  • Procurement of supplies

  • Team effectiveness

These tasks require specific skills to ensure projects run smoothly. Foundation Education’s Diploma of Project Management will equip you with all the skills you need to start a thriving career in project management. 

Sound like a good fit for you? Enquire now or speak with one of our friendly Careers Advisors on 1300 616 197. 


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