Foundation Education

14 Sep 2022

Ashlee’s career inspirations and adventures in Early Childhood

Childcare and Education

Having always been a nurturing person who knew she enjoyed teaching, starting a career in Early Childhood Education was the perfect blend of Ashlee’s two passions.  

‘Being able to walk into a room where everyone surrounds you with love, laughter and excitement makes for the most rewarding work environment.’  

From the start, Early Childhood Education has been a rich and rewarding path for Ashlee.  

Ashlee Ward

Ten years ago, she began her career as a casual at a childcare centre, and eventually, she moved up to becoming a Lead Educator of a kindergarten room.  

She was also lucky enough to have the opportunity to take her career overseas to England for two years, where she lived and worked in a school and explored the sights of Europe in her downtime.  

‘I will always be grateful for the memories I have made throughout my life as an Early Childhood Educator.’  

But she wasn’t just in it for the travelling perks! Throughout her career, she was rewarded with so many heartwarming moments in the learning environments she helped to create.  

‘It brought me so much joy to hear thanks from families… to see the children who used to be very quiet, hesitant and shy suddenly be bursting through the doors, saying good morning,’ she says. 

‘That, along with many other reasons is why I believe being an Early Childhood Educator is one of the most rewarding careers you can have.’

Inspiring others to pursue a career in Early Childhood

Little did she know, her career would soon be transformed into a new form of passion for education and helping others. One day, Ashlee’s mother revealed her dream of joining the Childcare industry. Seeing that she was hesitant and didn’t know where to even begin, Ashlee stepped in to encourage her mum to enrol and went on to support her throughout her studies.  

Skipping forward to today, her mum is now the room leader of a nursery and has won several awards for her work as an educator. 

‘I was so inspired by the pride I felt supporting my mother in chasing her dreams that I set out to turn this feeling into a career.’

Ashlee Ward

Ashlee's move to Foundation Education

Following this inspiration, Ashlee joined Foundation Education as an Early Childhood Specialist, where she’s been able to devote her nurturing energy to students throughout their own learning journeys.

‘Our team is full of friendly, experienced, hands-on support staff who are more than happy to go above and beyond for their students. We also have an amazing network of industry-leading placement partners who mentor our students through the practical components of their courses. These two things combined make Foundation Education an excellent choice.’

‘I love speaking to students on the phone and answering any questions they have. It’s very rewarding to have my advice and support help a student,’ she says.

‘I also love connecting with the students on a personal level and getting to know them as individuals.’

What does Ashlee say to anyone thinking about studying to become an Early Childhood Educator?

‘The best advice I can offer to anyone… take the next step here at Foundation Education, where we can support and encourage you to the finish line,’ she says.

And when you finally do decide to take that leap, Ashlee offers one final piece of advice.

‘Always be kind to yourself throughout your studies. You are more than capable and never forget to enjoy the journey… We believe in you!’

If you share the same passion as Ashlee and would like to explore a career in Early Childhood, check out our Early Childhood Education and Care courses now.


Smiling woman with computer

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